Unlimited Domain Hosting
Our Guide to Unlimited Domain Web Hosting to Host 10 Domains on One Hosting Account
HostIndex.com User Email: Where can I buy unlimited domain hosting so that I can host unlimited domains on one hosting account?
Our Unlimited Domain Web Hosting Answer: Great unlimited domain hosting question! Being able to host unlimited domains on one hosting account can save you lots of money. Whether you plan to buy unlimited domain reseller hosting or just unlimited domain website hosting for your small business, buying this type of hosting category (i.e. unlimited domain hosting) will save you big dollars in the long-run since you will be able to run numerous websites within a single purchased domain hosting account. For those that might not be familiar with unlimited domain hosting, let us explain first. An exclusive set of top UNIX/Linux web hosting companies offer unlimited domain hosting, which allows you to host an unlimited, or infinite, number of domains in just a single hosting plan. This saves you big bucks versus having to buy a separate hosting account for each domain. Plus, if you can combine the best web hosting with the cheapest unlimited domain hosting plan you will not only save money but get many other great plan features and server reliability.
Unlimited Domain Web Hosting is tough to find. Cheap unlimited domain web hosting is even tougher. That's probably why you asked the question or conducted a search in the first place. Good news! We searched our entire index of 8,000 domain registration and web hosting companies to find the top unlimited domain hosting company. HostMonster offers a budget hosting plan, just $5.95.month, and you get free unlimited domain hosting as a feature of your monthly hosting fee. So for a mere $5.95 a month you can get unlimited domain hosting with a reliable web host. Think about that, the ability to host unlimited domain names (and create unlimited subdomain websites) for $5 and change. Cheap unlimited domain hosting has arrived folks. That's a good unlimited domain hosting deal! In fact, we haven't been able to find a cheaper unlimited domain web hosting account anywhere else - which is why we recommend HostMonster.
Watch out for hosts that claim to offer unlimited domain web hosting but don't. Many "unlimited domain" plans use sub-domains as their unlimited domain hosting "product spec" - which is not the same thing. Be sure that your unlimited domain feature is indeed unlimited domains and not unlimited sub domains. Finding unlimited domains on one hosting account is now made easy, you just need to know that our resource exists. Feel free to bookmark our award-winning website so that you can use it to find cheap solutions to your future unlimited domain web hosting needs.
Need Unlimited Domain Reseller Hosting - visit our Reseller Showcase to review and compare web hosting providers that offer reseller hosting plans for unlimited domains. When you buy an unlimited domain reseller hosting account watch out for bandwidth allowances. If you run unlimited domain web hosting you will use up more free bandwidth because you are in essence hosting multiple websites. Avoid surcharges by reseller the unlimited domain name hosting of a cheap host provider that offers lots of transfer in their reseller plans. Remember that even with unlimited domain reseller web hosting, you will still need to buy the actual domain names - however, you can buy those at the cheapest available source and then transfer them to your unlimited domain web host.
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