Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting Report
The Key to Finding a Cheap SQL 2005 Web Hosting Provider
HostIndex.com User Email: I need to get Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting so where do I buy it?
Our Answer: Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting is now available to SQL 2005 web hosting buyers that are looking for it. Here at HostIndex.com we've been working with MS SQL databases for a number of years. As such, not only for our own cheap SQL 2005 hosting needs, but because so many users like yourself are looking for the cheapest MS SQL 2005 hosting packages around, has created a need for this page. On this resource, we outline the cheapest SQL 2005 web hosts we have found (assuming of course that these cheap SQL 2005 hosting packages met our rigorous reviwe) and detail what their plan offerings are like. As with every database, the needs of each person looking for cheap SQL 2005 web hosting will vary from one cheap SQL 2005 web hosting plan buyer to another, but we've found sufficient likeness in a number of cheap SQL 2005 hosting packages to enable us to provide these recommendations.
Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting is somewhat challenging to locate primarily because it requires a level of technical support that most companies portraying themselves to be cheap SQL 2005 web hosts simply don't have. If you've looked at cheap Windows 2003 web hosting providers, you will notice that most simply offer Access hosting. IX Web Hosting offers the cheapest SQL 2005 web hosting that we've located and rated, it is just $9.95 per month. HostExcellence's cheapest SQL 2005 hosting plan is also just $9.95/month, but allows for large 10GB SQL hosted databases.
Here are our the top pair of SQL 2005 hosting plans:
Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting Provider #1 - IX Web Hosting
Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting Provider:Unlimited GB
Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting Provider: Unlimited GB
2 Year Hosting Cost: $9.95/month
1 Year Hosting Cost: $10.95/month
Number of MS SQL Databases Supported on Windows 2003 Servers: 100
Cheap SQL 2005 Host Recommendation #2 - Host Excellence
Cheap SQL 2005 Web Hosting Space: Unlimited MB
Cheap SQL 2005 Web Hosting Bandwidth: Unlimited MB
Hosting Plan Pricing: $9.95/month
Amount of Cheap SQL Hosting Disk Space: 10 GB
Cheap SQL 2005 Web Hosting #3 - Easy CGI
Cheap SQL 2005 Web Hosting Space: 10 GB
Cheap SQL 2005 Web Hosting Bandwidth: 4,000 GB
Monthly Hosting Cost: $26.95/month
1 Year Hosting Cost: $21.56/month
Amount of Cheap SQL Hosting Disk Space: 300MB
Recall that 1GB equals 1000MB, so the hosting space and bandwidth for these cheap SQL 2005 Hosting packages and plans is quite large! We would love to hear feedback about your purchase of one of these cheap SQL web hosting plans. Similarly, if you think another web host is the cheapest SQL hosting provider around, pls. inform us. Feedback about all matters pertaining to cheap SQL 2005 hosting can be sent to feedback@hostindex.com.
Cheap SQL 2005 Hosting Plans from $8.95/month!