Jack in Ohio writes us: I would like do conduct a Linux "Virtual Private Server" Servers Review. What tips do you have for me so that I can choose an inexpensive Linux virtual private server company that still offers good technical support?
Our Linux VPS Servers Review response: First, do not assume that the price of a Linux virtual private server while doing your servers review is going to dictate the quality with respect to technical support. This is probably the most unknown fact about Linux VPS hosting when it comes to support. There are massive economies of scale when it comes to selling large numbers of Linux virtual private server accounts, so what often ends up happening is that the largest Linux VPS hosts end up selling at the lowest monthly price plus at the highest quality of technical support. The greater the installed client base of Linux virtual private server customers that the server review company you are looking at has, the better the chance that they can afford to offer such necessary features as 24/7 technical support, newest VPS software updates, etc. In general, we have found the highest quality Linux virtual private servers reviews to have been done with VPS hosting operators like StartLogic, IX Web Hosting and EasyCGI. In fact, we recommend you visit these top-ranked Linux virtual private server companies if you are looking for the best and cheapest Linux VPS hosting solutions.
Once you have identified a filtered group of Linux virtual private server companies, it is time to conduct the actual servers reviews. For this, you should be looking at three key factors. First, how much RAM, web space, and bandwidth does a given Linux virtual private server hosting account come with. Make sure that all the Linux VPS businesses have competitive offerings. Second, what type of software is running the Linux virtual private server platform. Different developers and individuals starting to resell VPS services will need varying platform applications and tools. Third, check out the contract type. When reviewing servers from Linux virtual private server providers, there are huge differences in terms of the upfront contractual commitment that a given VPS web host service will ask for. Some Linux VPS hosting will offer monthly contracts, some will offer no contracts, and some will require a one or two year upfront payment. The general rule around reviewing Linux virtual private server companies is that the longer the contract the cheaper your monthly equivalent will be. However, one good trick is just to buy monthly for the first month or two. Once you are satisfied that your Linux virtual private server servers review selection was the right one, then you can contact your web hosting company and ask to be put on a longer-term contract at the cheaper rate. This is a much better solution to evaluating a Linux VPS review contract term than signing all upfront without recourse.
Good luck on comparing Linux virtual private server companies. Please contact us at feedback@hostindex.com if you have further Linux VPS server questions or need additional Linux VPS installation resources.